Friday, September 2, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

So, Labor Day weekend is the farewell to summer. :( I cannot believe how fast it has gone by, and how crazy busy our summer has been. Sad to see the summer go, but I absolutely love the fall (as I get older I'm starting to really dislike winter!) The fall brings many exciting things for us! We keep motocross racing thru October, and it's the perfect weather for that, and we can cook so many yummy things to eat at the races now that the weather is breaking from the intense heat! We've also got a wine tour planned with family the end of September which should be a lot of fun. We are doing Seneca Lake wineries, 3 Brothers, Fox Run and Torrey Ridge. I've never been on one before, so I'm a wine tour virgin!

Even more exciting news is the countdown until we move into our new house! It's in 35 days to be exact! So flipping excited to move in and make it our own!! I'm hoping maybe my sister can make it home in October and help if she doesn't have a job by then!! But we'll see, if not we will see them at Christmas time!

Now that I've gone on long enough about fall, this weekend we are staying home and skipping out on our usual visit to the 1000 islands with family. We are bummed that we aren't going, but we have more important things to do for appliances! We need to purchase a washer/dryer, refridgerator and stove for the new house. We are doing some price comparisons and shopping around, and most likely will take the plunge Sunday or Monday. We might also try to catch Xavier's football game if he has one Sunday morning. Other than that, it's mostly a relaxing weekend for us as we haven't had one of those in a very long time!

I hope everyone has a safe and fun long weekend!!! <3

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